
Fall 2020 - Volleyball League Registration NOW OPEN!
23 September 2020 @ 4:47 AM by Joel Convery

Hello Volley Sixers,

Registration is now open for the Fall 2020 season!  With Covid-19 restrictions in place, we have decided to only offer one product this Fall Season at Carleton University. Depending on gym availability and interest from teams, we may expand to other nights of the week, but for the time being will only be offering Thursday Evening Mixed. With nearly 3 months of experience running our soccer leagues this summer during the pandemic, we feel we are well prepared to offer as safe of an environment for volleyball as possible.


Thursday Mixed 6s @ Carleton University - October - 875+HST - 12 Weeks - The backbone of our lineup in past years, Thursdays at Carleton are extremely popular and sell out quickly! The double gymnasium has outdoor access which will allow us to circulate outside air within the gym, as well as separate entrances to control access. Free parking located a short walk from the Carleton gyms at Brewer Park (entrance off Bronson Ave.). As always, your team space can be secured with a $150.00 deposit.

Other League Nights: Depending on availability at Carleton University and registrations, we may be open to adding additional days/products at Carleton University.  We are in constant communication with Carleton and we will keep our participants up to date on any additional nights. 

Other League Locations: While we may expand to other facilities in the winter (January onwards) but feel that a gradual relaunch of our leagues is prudent at this stage. We enjoy a great relationship with Carleton and are extremely comfortable with the facility, giving us the confidence to offer a safe and enjoyable experience.

Individual Spaces: There will be no individual player spaces for the Fall season.  If you wish to play but do not have a team please post on our Forum or send us an email.


COVID Policies & Protocols (click here for our full list) - The following rules/regulations will apply to our leagues to ensure the safety of our staff and participants: 

  • Masks will be mandatory for all staff and players.  
  • Rosters will be capped at 8 players and all team members will be required to sign in at each game for contact tracing. Substitutes may be used, but they must be cleared by the league prior to participation. 
  • Referees will be using electronic whistles for your safety.
  • The volleyball(s) will be sanitized between each set. 
  • Teams will only be allowed to enter the gym once the previous game has finished and those teams have exited. This is to ensure our contract tracing is accurate for your safety. 
  • Teams will enter and exit through separate access points. 
  • No spectators will be allowed inside the facility.
  • Hand sanitizer will be provided at the entrance to the gym, and mandatory for all players.  

Team Credits & Refunds: All Winter 2020 captains have been allocated a prorated credit for the lost games during that season. To view and access the your credit , captains can log into their Player Profile and select Payments to view the balance. For those who wish to receive a refund, please email Andrew at We will be processing refunds in the next week or two. 

Individual Player Credits & Refunds: For those individual players registered to our league run Individual Teams, we will issuing credits for the lost games to the person who made payment. Players can view their credit in their Player Profile --> Payments. If you require a refund, please email us directly at

Capacity Limits & Updated Provincial Policy for COVID: We've had a few questions regarding the new provincial limits on gatherings. To clarify, recreational sports do not fall under these restrictions and can operate with a 50 person capacity for indoor facility. Our goal for the upcoming season is to keep the number of people in the gym well below this number, hence our roster limit of 8 players per team at each game. Click here for the link to Ontario's COVID Policies.


If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact us at or


- Your Ottawa Volley Sixes Team (Andrew, Matt & Chris) 

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